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Top 5 Indian Startups: Their Success and Growth

Currently, there are 1,24,582 start-ups in India amongst which 58,240 start-ups are women-led, approximately generating 7000+ employment opportunities.

Top 5 Indian Startups: The start-up ecosystem in India has been growing remarkably in the past few years. The introduction of government schemes and many corporations’ interest in investing in new start-up ideas has also led to a bloom in this sector.

Government initiatives such as the Seed Fund Scheme, Fund of Funds Scheme, Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups, MAARG mentorship platform, National Startup Awards, and State Ranking Framework have also encouraged many individuals to begin their entrepreneurial journey.

Currently, there are 1,24,582 start-ups in India amongst which 58,240 start-ups are women-led, approximately generating 7000+ employment opportunities.

Here are the Top 5 most successful start-ups in India as of 2024:

  1. Flipkart– It is an E-commerce and online retail marketing website founded in 2007 by Sachin and Binny Bansal. It started as an online bookstore in a 2-bedroom apartment and immediately expanded its success to an online retail market.

    Their innovative marketing strategies had put them in the attention of retail giant Walmart leading to be acquired by them for $16 million in 2018. Currently, Flipkart has a market evaluation of $37 million in India.
  2. Paytm– It is a FinTech company dealing with digital transactions of money. It was founded in 2010 by Vijay Shekhar Sharma, an Indian engineer. Sharma started with One97 Communications in 2000 which provided services for mobile content, this paved the way for the establishment of Paytm in 2010 with $2 million as an initial investment.

    Today Paytm Has over 20 crore+ active monthly users and provides Financial services, E-commerce services, DTH, and cell phone recharge. It also provides stock-broking, a National pension system, Paytm insurance, and mini app store, and many more.
  3. OYO Rooms– Started as Oravel Stays in 2012 by Ritesh Agarwal, a college dropout to a successful entrepreneur, it was a hotel start-up that had set on to revolutionize the room booking and transaction system. Oravel Stays was renamed into OYO rooms in 2013, after securing an amount of $100,000 through Thiel Fellowship, an initiative for Young Entrepreneurs by Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder.

    OYO is a successful hotel chain that had expanded to countries like Malaysia, China, the UK, USA, Indonesia, Europe, and the Middle East By 2019. By owning more than 43,000 properties and 10 lakh rooms across 800 cities all over the globe, it has revolutionized the Hospitality industry.
  4. Swiggy– It is one of the largest online food delivery platforms established in 2014 by co-founders Lakshmi Nandan Reddy, Rahul Jaimini, and Sriharsha Majety. Swiggy’s efficient service and skilled team led them to quick success leading to expanding their services in 40 cities, they partnered with 10,000 delivery executives and more than 800 restaurants.

    Today Swiggy has about $2 million overall valuation and has raised several rounds of funding from firms like SoftBank, Norwest venture partners, and others.
  5. Zomato– it is a food delivery platform founded in 2008 by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah, who are IIT graduates and worked with Brain & Co. before Launching Zomato. The app was first launched as foodie-bay which became a successful food directory in Delhi NCR and expanded to Mumbai and Kolkata.

    In 2010, It was renamed to Zomato and provided functions like browsing menus, reading reviews for restaurants, and placing food orders. By 2019, it became one of the largest restaurant aggregators and expanded to over 24 countries and 10,000 cities.  Today Zomato has successfully acquired UberEats and has an overall valuation of $20.3 billion.

These Top 5 Indian Startups serve as an example of the ever-growing nature of the Indian start-up ecosystem. In the future, there will be a boom of entrepreneurs, increased production, and a market for indigenous products and services which will propel the growth of the Indian economy.

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