UPSC Civil Services 2024 Prelims Admit Card Released; Check on
Candidates who have submitted their applications can now check their hall tickets on the official website -

UPSC Civil Services 2024: Admit card for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2024 has been released by the Union Public Service Commission. Candidates who have submitted their applications can now check their hall tickets on the official website –
Steps to Download Admit Card Online Visit the official website –, click on the notification for UPSC CSE Prelims 2024 Admit Card, enter the required details in the given fields and submit, download the admit card, And take a printout for further reference.
The admit card contains the examination centre, date and time of examination as well as name of the candidate, name and year of examination, registration ID, roll number, complete postal address (as given by the candidates in the application form), important instructions. Are. Observe the photograph and signature of the candidate during the examination.
The examination is conducted in three stages – Preliminary, Main to select officers for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), and other Grade A and B posts in the Central And personality test. Government and its departments. UPSC CSE Preliminary Exam will have objective type questions. Candidates who score above the cut-off marks will become eligible to register for the UPSC IAS Mains exam.
UPSC CSE Main Exam will consist of descriptive questions followed by interview round to select the candidates for various services and posts. Candidates from OBC and PWBD categories will be allowed nine attempts, while candidates from SC and ST categories will get additional relaxation in the number of attempts.
To be eligible for the exam, the candidate must have attained 21 years of age as on 1st August and must not have attained 32 years of age, i.e., the candidate must be born not earlier and later than 2nd August 1992. On 1 August 2003, the Commission issued a CSE notification stating.
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