SSC Exam Calendar Released for CHSL, Head Constable, and MTS Exams; Check Here.
SSC Exam Calendar: The dates for the SSC Exam 2022 have been made public by the Staff Selection Commission. The schedules for the CHSL, Head Constable, and MTS examinations have been made public. Applicants can check the schedule for the examinations on the official website of the SSC, which can be found at
The SSC CHSL Tier 2 (Descriptive Type) examination 2021 is scheduled to take place on September 18, according to the schedule. On August 4, the results of the Tier 2 exam were disclosed to the public. A total of 54,104 applicants have qualified for the CHSL Tier-2 exam based on the candidates’ normalised scores.
From October 10 to October 20, candidates will be able to participate in the computer-based SSC Head Constable in Delhi Police Exam-2022. The purpose of the recruitment campaign is to fill a total of 835 vacant positions, 559 of which are reserved for male candidates and 276 of which are reserved for female candidates.
In addition, the examination for the SSC MTS, Havaldar Paper 2 (Descriptive), which will take place on November 6, has been planned. Between July 5 and July 26, candidates took part in the computer-based SSC MTS Paper 1 exam 2021. The answer keys were made available on August 2. The results will determine which candidates will be shortlisted for the descriptive paper and are scheduled to be released soon. The SSC is now running a recruitment drive in order to fill what is currently estimated to be 3698 vacancies for MTS and 3603 vacancies for Havaldar in CBIC and CBN.
The notice further states, “The above SSC Exam Calendar schedule is subject to the conditions that now exist as well as any guidelines that the government may release from time to time regarding the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. Applicants are encouraged to check the Commission’s website frequently for any further information that may have been posted,”.
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