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Job vacancies in Canada Reached One Million in April and these sectors have the most jobs.

Job vacancies in Canada: Employers in Canada were actively seeking to fill nearly one million vacancies in early April, up 44.4 percent from the same period last year, Statistics Canada said on Friday.

There were an average of 1.1 unemployed people for each job vacancy in April, down from 1.2 in March, and down from 2.4 a year ago, the Office for National Statistical said, adding that Canada continues to have a labor shortage trend with record-high job vacancies many sectors.

The number of job vacancies in the construction sector reached a new high of 89,900 in April, up 15.4 percent from March and up 43.3 percent from April 2021.

Job vacancies in professional, scientific and technical services also hit record highs in April; transportation and storage; finance and insurance; arts, entertainment and recreation; and real estate and rental and leasing, the agency said.

In manufacturing, there were 90,400 vacant positions in April, up 7.3 percent from March and up 30.7 percent from April 2021. In accommodation and food services, employers were actively seeking to fill 153,000 vacant positions in April, little changed from the previous month.

In accommodation and food services, employers were actively seeking to fill 153,000 vacant positions in April, little changed from the previous month.

Meanwhile, in the health care and social assistance sector, the number of job vacancies declined by 15.1 percent to 125,200 in April, reaching its peak of 147,500 in March 2022, but 21.3 percent higher than in April 2021. There were 97,800 job vacancies in the retail sector. Business in April was down 7.1 percent from March, but 27.9 percent higher than in April 2021, Statistics Canada said.

Across the country, average weekly earnings were $1,170 in April, essentially unchanged from the month before, but on a yearly basis, Canadians’ earnings rose four per cent.

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