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World Economic Forum launches ‘Education 4.0 India Report’

“The most successful uses of online learning and digital content during the pandemic have demonstrated their power to provide access to the best learning resources to students based far and wide, in addition to enabling students to study at their own pace and receive personalised content and assessment,”

Today, the World Economic Forum unveiled its new “Education 4.0 India Report,” which explores how technology might close educational disparities and make education available to everyone. The United Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), the World Economic Forum, and YuWaah collaborated to issue this research (Generation Unlimited India).

Even though India has made great strides in addressing some of the most pressing issues in education, it has been claimed that about 70% of class 3 students in India lack even the most basic abilities in reading and math. Flipbooks, interactive material, read-aloud techniques, and the usage of digital technologies may all be used to solve this issue and make schoolchildren’s learning enjoyable and engaging.

“The most successful uses of online learning and digital content during the pandemic have demonstrated their power to provide access to the best learning resources to students based far and wide, in addition to enabling students to study at their own pace and receive personalised content and assessment,” the report states.

The research recommends using customised worksheets and movies at home and forming online communities with instructors’ assistance. The paper proposes daily delivery of videos, assignments, and quizzes via WhatsApp in addition to a number of other alternatives for promoting target-based learning. According to the paper, this can also help parents become more aware of the issue and develop their parenting skills.

Through this study, the organisations want to empower and engage young people while addressing inequalities in India’s education system. It offers a plan for enhancing India’s educational system and issues a call to action to all parties involved in ed-tech to work together to change the industry.

The World Economic Forum:

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.

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