IIM Ahmedabad Summer Placement; 100% of Students Placed for PGP Class of 2023
Out of 404 students, the highest, 142, have been placed in the consulting sector, followed by 73 in finance and 48 in the marketing sector.

IIM Ahmedabad Summer Placement: The Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM A) has ended the summer placement process for the MBA class of 2023 of the Post Graduate Program in Management (PGP). Around 124 firms from multiple domains in three cohorts participated virtually in the summer placements at IIM Ahmedabad, with all the students getting placed.
Out of 404 students, the highest, 142, have been placed in the consulting sector, followed by 73 in finance and 48 in the marketing sector.
In the management consulting group, Boston Consulting Group was the top recruiter with 22 offers, followed by Bain & Company, McKinsey and Kearney as the other top recruiters.
While Goldman Sachs was the top recruiter in the investment banking and markets group with nine offers, in consumer goods and durables, HUL made the highest number of offers – nine, followed by Procter & Gamble with six offers.
This year, two students opted out of the placement process to work on their own venture under the IIMAvericks Fellowship.
The IIMAvericks Fellowship consists of mentorship from the institute’s CIIE.CO and financial assistance for a period of two years. At any time during the fellowship, the student may return and sit for placement through the placement process of the Institute.
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