JEE Advanced 2025; Number of Attempts for JEE Advanced Increased to 3, Check Other Eligibility
As for age limit, candidates must be born on or after October 1, 2000. SC, ST and PWD candidates are given age relaxation of five years, i.e. these candidates must be born on or after October 1, 1995.

JEE Advanced 2025 Update: The number of attempts for Joint Entrance Examination Advanced (JEE Advanced) has been increased from two to three from this year. According to the updated regulations, a candidate is permitted to take the JEE Advanced examination a maximum of three times within a span of three consecutive years. Previously, candidates were restricted to two attempts over two consecutive years.
As for age limit, candidates must be born on or after October 1, 2000. SC, ST and PWD candidates are given age relaxation of five years, i.e. these candidates must be born on or after October 1, 1995.
Eligibility Criteria for JEE Advanced 2025 for Indian Nationals and OCI/B.Tech. Candidates:
Candidates should be among the top 2,50,000 qualified candidates (all subjects included) in the B.E./B.Tech. Paper (Paper I) for Grade I: 2025.
The percentage of seats reserved for the shortlisted candidates for the scheme is as follows: 10% for General-EWS, 27% for Class-I-NCL, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and the remaining 40.5% is open to all. Within each of these five seats, a nominal 5% is available for the Best.
The top 2,50,000 candidates in the selected positions are re-elected from time to time depending on their performance in the B.E./B.Tech. Paper of the Lower Grade Wagon (Main) 2025.
Also Read: JEE-Main 2025 Session 1 Registration Begins From October 28, 2024 at