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Education News

NEET Controversy 2024: Re-exam Conducted for 1,563 Candidates, Education Minister said, no Paper Leaked

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said on NEET Controversy 2024-there is no evidence of paper leak.

NEET Controversy 2024: Amid the controversy over the results of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Graduate) 2024, including allegations of paper leak, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said on NEET Controversy 2024-there is no evidence of paper leak.

Dharmendra Pradhan, who returned for a second innings as chief of the ministry and took charge on Thursday, made the remarks when the National Testing Agency (NTA) announced that NEET re-examination would be conducted for 1,563 candidates who were granted ‘grace marks’. ‘ Were given. ‘Loss of time’ during examination It said that these ‘grace marks’ are withdrawn.

Union Education Minister Pradhan said: “24 lakh students took NEET this year. Around 13 lakh students passed. There are 4,500 exam centers for NEET, and there are centers in other countries as well. The NEET exam is conducted in 13 languages.

There are two question papers for NEET. On the day of the examination itself, it is informed whether question paper A or B will be used. This time, wrong set of questions was given by mistake at six centers out of 4,500 centres.

 “When the examination started, this was taken into consideration and the correct question paper was given. This resulted in loss of some time. There were 1,563 students in those six centres. He felt that this defeat was unfair. There is a standing order of the Supreme Court-that if such issues are raised in the entrance examinations, then average marking can be done on the grace marking system instead of re-examination. NTA implemented it.

 “Subsequently, it was observed that some students got 100% marks after grace marks. On the basis of this some people went to court. A committee was formed… Today the Supreme Court has made it clear that 1563 students should be given a chance to re-examine. These students will be given the option of re-examination on June 23. They can either appear for the exam again or take the original marks,” he said.

An unusually large number of candidates (67) secured top ranks in the NEET exam.

NTA said the retest will be notified on Thursday itself and it is likely to be held on June 23. The results of the retest will be declared before June 30 so that the counseling process starting from July 6 is not affected.

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