SNAP Exam 2024 Answer Key: Check Expected Cut-Off and Difficulty Level
The exam analysis of SNAP 2024 highlights both the overall difficulty level of the exam and its subject-specific aspects.

SNAP Exam 2024: The Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) 2024, organised by Symbiosis International (Deemed University), serves as a key gateway for admissions to prestigious management programs offered by Symbiosis Institutes across India.
SNAP 2024 Exam Analysis
The exam analysis of SNAP 2024 highlights both the overall difficulty level of the exam and its subject-specific aspects. Candidates have given mixed opinions regarding the exam. While some aspirants found it relatively easy, others observed a mix of question types, resulting to an overall moderate difficulty level. A considerable portion of the questions were similar from previous years, maintaining a consistent pattern throughout the assessment.
The official answer key for SNAP Exam 2024 is expected to be released soon.
Note that the SNAP 2024 scores are calculated by adding the correct and incorrect answers of the candidate. Also, the officials award one mark for each correct answer, and 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer. For questions left unanswered, there is no change in the total score.
To calculate the percentile from the rank for candidates, the formula is: Percentile = (20,000 – 1000) / 20,000 x 100 = 95 percentile. Here, to calculate the rank, assume that 20,000 candidates appear for SNAP, and a candidate has secured the rank of 1000.