IBPS RRB CRP XIII 2024 Result Declared for Officer Scale 1, 2, 3 & Office Assistant Exam
Candidates have to use their registration number or roll number and password or date of birth in DD-MM-YY format to download the scorecard.

IBPS RRB CRP XIII 2024 Result: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared the results of mains and interview of Regional Rural Banks (RRB) Officer Scale 1, 2, 3 recruitment exams. Candidates who appeared for the exam can now check IBPS RRB CRP XIII 2024 result on ibps.in.
Candidates have to use their registration number or roll number and password or date of birth in DD-MM-YY format to download the scorecard.
The institute of Banking has also released the procedure for obtaining marks of online main examinations for CRP for recruitment of Officers (Scale I, II & III) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) (CRP-RRBs-XIII) in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).
The marks of the online main examination are obtained by adopting the following procedure:
(i) The number of questions correctly answered by the candidate in each objective test is considered to arrive at the corrected score after applying penalty for wrong answers.
(ii) The final marks in each test are rounded off to two digits after the decimal point.
(iii) Cutoffs were applied to the marks in individual tests.
(iv) The total weighted marks (TWS) are obtained as follows:
Total Weighted Marks = (Reasoning × 1.25 + Computer Knowledge × 0.50 + General Awareness x 1.00 + Marks obtained in English Language/Hindi Language × 1.00 + Numerical Ability × 1.25)
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) aims to fill 9,995 vacancies including 5,585 posts for Multipurpose Office Assistants as part of this recruitment process.
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