
Top 10 Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read.

Reading is the best way to enrich your soul and mind, this value is essential for people of all kinds including entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur Journey: Beginning an entrepreneurial journey is full of uncertainty, hopes, and strategies. Entrepreneurs need regular motivation and refresh to enrich their brains with new ideas. Reading is the best way to enrich your soul and mind, this value is essential for people of all kinds including entrepreneurs. Running a start-up business, team management, and strategy planning can all be learned and inspired. Here are 10 books that are essential for all entrepreneurs to at least read once to assist their journey to success:

  1. The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

The tagline of the book is “How today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful Business”. As the tagline conveys the book throws light on the ways to build a successful business even in the prevalence of uncertainties and the Author names this practice “the lean Startup”, here individuals must work on building something Substantial and permanent that can resist all the uncertainties. It would be a good read for all those wanting to build a successful startup.

2.  Start with Why by Simon Sinek

This book is a great read for new entrepreneurs who want to be great leaders. Here the author explains that it is often easy to answer what a business is based on, but it is not easy to answer the “Why”. This book gives you an idea of “why some organizations are more innovative, influential, and profitable than others”. It helps you build a strong and unique vision as a leader of your establishment.

 3. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel, the former CEO and Co-founder of PayPal is an extraordinary entrepreneur, and he penned this book as a guide for young and aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. This book encourages entrepreneurs to stray from doing what has been done, rather the current generation of entrepreneurs need to do something new that will not only propagate innovation but also help them escape the ruthless competition.

4. The E-myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

This book walks you through the dos and Don’ts of running a successful small business, it gives you an idea about the problems a small business can face in its infancy or during its mature stage. The author gives you actionable advice and breaks down “The Entrepreneur Myth” which only emphasizes the technical skills and ideas but disregards the holistic aspect of running a business.

5. The $100 Start-up by Chris Guillebeau

If it’s your dream to make your passion as your profession, this book is a valuable addition to your reading list. The author has compiled all the lessons that Business owners have learned in their journey to success. All these business owners have started with investments as minimal as $100. This preaches that the key to self-fulfillment is to discover an aspect of your passion that can be used to make money.

6. Rework: change the way you work forever by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

The authors of this book believe that starting a business doesn’t require extravagant planning, staffing, and investors, rather they preach the power of action and simplicity. They believe the minimalistic approach is the best way to begin a small business. This book holds the set of values that every entrepreneur who is beginning with minimal resources should know and employ.

7. The hard things about the hard things by Ben Horowitz

The journey of an entrepreneur is no cakewalk, it is filled with uncertainties and unforeseen challenges. The Author of this, who is also the Co-founder of Loudcloud and Andreessen Horowitz venture capital firms, derives learnings from his trying situations as an entrepreneur and compiles this book. If you are feeling stuck in your journey or just beginning your journey and want to be informed this is the perfect read for you.

8. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Written in the post-Great Depression era, this book entails the key principles that enable you to look at the silver lining in challenging situations. Hill has beautifully penned the secret to positive thinking and reaffirms the philosophy of Thoughts turning into Reality. He has given core values that one requires to transform thoughts into wealth. Entrepreneurs require a positive outlook just as humans require water, hence this read could add value and build you as a professional and a strong human.

9. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Escaping competition and standing out in the crowd can be a daunting task for entrepreneurs. From the professor in INSEAD, the 2nd largest business school in the world, this book helps you escape the competition and create your own uncontended market space which is called “blue Oceans”.

10. The Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

The Co-Founder of Nike, a successful and profitable athletic footwear and apparel company, this book is a memoir of the author’s journey to excellence, it accounts for Nike’s beginning as Blue Ribbon sports and the challenges that occurred throughout its transformation to the world’s leading sportswear brand. This book helps entrepreneurs gain the motivation and outlook they need to excel in the competitive market.

Also Read: Top 5 Indian Startups: Their Success and Growth

D K Singh

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