Amazon India has announced the launch of its inaugural Black Friday event, scheduled to take place from November 29 to December 2. This highly anticipated global event will mark Amazon India’s inaugural participation, offering discounts on a variety of brands such as Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nike, Calvin Klein, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Panasonic, Jean Paul, Dabur, LG, ALDO, Swarovski, and others, spanning categories including electronics, appliances, fashion, and beauty.
The unprecedented success of the Amazon Great Indian Festival 2024 highlighted the significant demand for exceptional value among Indian consumers. In response, we are elevating the shopping experience by introducing Amazon’s renowned global event, Black Friday, to India for the first time on
The event will offer discounts on a wide range of products including electronics, beauty items, home appliances and decor from both domestic and international brands. This initiative is another important step in our dedication to providing excellent value and exceptional shopping experience to customers across categories, said Saurabh Srivastava, Vice President, Categories, Amazon India.
Customers can get 10 percent instant discount with HDFC, IndusInd, BOB cards and HSBC Bank debit and credit cards and credit EMIs. For the Black Friday sale, Prime members will be eligible to get unlimited 5 percent cashback on all purchases using Amazon co-branded credit cards, while non-Prime members will get 3 percent cashback.
Prime members are also getting the opportunity to gain early access to special shopping events, such as Prime Day. Mobiles, electronics and accessories will be available at 40-75 percent discount. These include products like Samsung Galaxy Buds, Amazfit Active 42mm AMOLED Smart Watch, Apple MacBook Air Laptop and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.
Appliances will be available at up to 65 percent discount. These include Panasonic 1.5 Ton 3 Star Wi-Fi Inverter Smart Split AC, LG 7 Kg Fully-Automatic Front Load Washing Machine and Samsung 653 L Convertible 5-in-1 AI-Enabled Smart Refrigerator.
Amazon said luggage, handbags and luxury brands will be available at 40-70 per cent discounts. These include products such as Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Paradise Garden Unisex Liquid O De Parfum 125 ml and Tommy Hilfiger Joshua 21L Black Laptop Backpack.
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