Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal has lodged an FIR based on a formal complaint lodged against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s PA Bibhav Kumar. Maliwal has alleged in his complaint that Kumar ‘slapped, hit him on the stomach and kicked him’. According to news agency PTI, Swati Maliwal became emotional while giving her statement in front of the police. He also demanded strict action in the matter.
“What happened to me was very bad. I have provided the police with a detailed account of what happened to me. I hope appropriate action will be taken. For the last few days I have been facing huge challenges. I thank those people who prayed.” Those who tried to assassinate the character, saying that I am doing this at the behest of the other party, may God bless them too,” She expressed his views in a Hindi post on ‘X’.
Maliwal claimed in her FIR that she was waiting to meet Kejriwal at his residence when Kumar came near her and started attacking her without any provocation. Maliwal claimed, “While I kept screaming, he slapped me at least 7-8 times. I pushed him away to save myself. He suddenly attacked me, grabbed me forcefully and deliberately pulled my shirt.
Maliwal said, “Bibhav Kumar did not agree and attacked me by repeatedly kicking my chest, stomach and pelvic area with his feet. I was in extreme pain and kept asking him to stop.” He claimed in the FIR that after the attack, Maliwal called 112 to report the incident.
“Then when (Kumar) realized that I had called 112, he walked out of Room. Bibhav returned with the security personnel deployed at the entrance of the CM camp office. They came and on Bibhav’s request asked me to leave from there, I kept telling them that I was brutally beaten and they should see my condition and wait till the PCR police arrived.
However, they asked me to leave the premises. Maliwal said, I was taken outside the CM residence and I sat on the floor outside the house for some time because I was in deep pain. “The PCR police came but I was completely surprised and walked towards my previous residence in Civil Lines and left,” Maliwal said.
Also Read: Lok-Sabha Elections 2024: Know When Voting is Taking Place in Your State and Seat
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